RIGHT ACTION is your one-stop integrated fire protection partner for all aspects of fire safety product and solution created for home and workplace safety.

RIGHT ACTION is the biggest and most comprehensive online store in Sri Lanka for all things related to fire safety awareness and protection.

A small fire incident can easily and often become a big hazard quickly, destroying assets and hurting lives. Having seen over 2,000 cases of residential and industrial fires, we realize that the general public has very little to no understanding of basic fire safety awareness, not to mention knowledge to react and respond correctly and safely in a fire situation.

RIGHT ACTION is set up with the advocacy of fire safety awareness and protection in mind, to provide a platform - both online and offline - for the general public to readily access information and essential tips about fire safety, and a comprehensive range of fire safety equipment, such as smoke alarms, fire extinguishers and break glass panels among many others, that anyone can buy from and install in their offices and/or homes.

RIGHT ACTION proactively strives to raise fire safety awareness by engaging the public through roving roadshows and interactive exhibitions that educate important fire safety facts and demonstrate correct usage of simple firefighting equipment and emergency devices, as well as how to handle real-life fire scenarios.

Together we can keep our families and loved ones safe and protected.


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